Thursday, August 25, 2011

France day 23: Heart tomatoes and eggs

Like I said wrote in yesterday's post, today was my turn to cook something from home. Since i'm not quite sure my host family would appreciate poutine and beavertails for dinner, I opted to cook something Chinese instead of Canadian.

One of my favorite dishes from home is a very common Chinese dish with tomatoes and eggs. My mother knows that I like it a lot so she cooks it quite often at home, but I on the other hand, have never attempted to cook it myself. After requesting a recipe from my dear mother, I was ready, sort of.

The say that you need good ingredients to cook a good dish. So since I'm working with farm fresh eggs and locally grown coeur de boeuf (beef heart) tomatoes, it definitely wouldn't be the ingredients' fault if this didn't turn out.

Thankfully it did and all three of my dinner guest enjoyed it immensely. No leftovers!

Tomatoes and Eggs
Adapted from My mother
Serves: 4

  • 6 eggs
  • Salt/pepper/oil
  • 3 large tomatoes
  • 1.5 tsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp ketchup
  • 1 tsp corn starch + 1/4 cup water

Suggested: cooked rice

  1. Oil and preheat pan
  2. Scramble all eggs and season with salt and pepper
  3. Cook eggs and break up large pieces and remove from pan
  4. Leave skin intact and slice tomatoes (I had 16 slices/tomato)
  5. Add tomatoes to hot pan along with sugar and ketchup and cook until plenty of juice is released into the pan
  6. Add back the scrambled eggs and stir to combine
  7. Mix the corn starch and water and add to tomatoes, STIR constantly (this will help thicken the sauce)
  8. Don't worry if the sauce still looks too watery, it thickens up as it cools
  9. Serve over rice

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