Wednesday, August 24, 2011

France day 19: Irish Crêpes

Can't believe it's Friday already, another week has passed, which means that I only have one week left in this beautiful country. At our school, some students come for a week while others study for a year. This means students come and go every week. To celebrate/mourn Felix' depart, we went out for lunch to an Irish pub at the always beautiful Place Plum'reau.

To fill my ever present crêpe cravings, I ordered the Irish crêpe. I never knew that chocolate-orange was an Irish flavor combination, but then again, this is an 'Irish' restaurant that serves pizzas and crepes.

Two of us ordered that Versuvio pizza so they gave us a bottle of this pepper infused oil. Yikes!

Cute condiments
Fun fact of the day: In France, milk and eggs are sold at room temperature. It's only recommended that you refrigerate the milk once it's opened.

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